Charity Fundraising

Hosting a charity race night is a fantastic way to raise funds while enjoying a lively evening with your charity, club, school, or society. No need to head to Ascot; these events typically involve using a pre-recorded DVD, requiring only a TV and a venue to kick off the festivities!

Organising a race night might seem daunting, but it's simpler than you think. However, it's crucial to be aware of legal considerations. Ensuring compliance with regulations such as the 2005 Gambling Act and preventing underage betting are essential steps.

Here are some fundraising ideas to maximize your event's success:


1. **Charge for Entry Tickets:**

Selling tickets can cover your expenses and ensure a profitable event. Calculate the ticket price based on venue costs and other expenses.

2. **Obtain Sponsorship for Each Race:**

Reach out to local businesses to sponsor individual races. In return, their name can be associated with the race, offering exposure while supporting your cause.

3. **Betting on the Races:**

Betting on race outcomes is a primary fundraising method. Simplify the process to encourage participation, offering donated prizes for winners. Provide clear information on race participants and facilitate betting between races.

4. **Food and Beverage Options:**

Depending on your budget, consider offering food and drinks. Ensure compliance with food safety guidelines if serving food.

5. **Promote Your Event:**

Utilise social media, posters, flyers, and email blasts to spread the word. Encourage community involvement and sponsorship.


Finally, ensure smooth event execution by recruiting volunteers, securing sponsorships in advance, booking the venue early, and maintaining strict age restrictions on gambling. Having an engaging host can enhance the event's atmosphere and keep attendees entertained throughout the races.